The Deadly Dozen Beginner 6-Week Program is designed for those who want to get fit enough, fast enough, and strong enough to take on one of the World's Hardest Fitness Races: The Deadly Dozen.

The focus of the program is developing good movement technique, building muscular strength and endurance, and establishing a good aerobic base with progressive running.

The program includes Strength Training Sessions (Resistance Training), Labour Fitness Sessions (Circuit Training), and Journey Fitness Sessions (Runs and other forms of cardio – row, ski, cycle). The session plans are programmed to elicit the greatest increases in physical performance while minimizing the risk of injuries.


What makes this program so good?

  • This Paperback Program includes both detailed Program Cards and Logbook pages to track your training and results. This unique design maximizes focus and helps to ensure you get the most out of your training – using your phone is a HUGE distraction!
  • The program has been designed by Coach Jason Curtis, a highly experienced strength and conditioning coach, bestselling fitness author, and the founder of the Deadly Dozen Fitness Race.
  • Coach Curtis has worked with thousands of individuals, ranging from hobbyists to world-class athletes.
  • The program fundamentals have been tried and tested for over a decade within our gym in the UK.
  • The program is packed with useful information about the Fitness Race and physical training as a whole.
  • Within the booklet, you gain access to thousands of pages of FREE content, including our 308-page Mobility & Flexibility eBook.
  • We have video tutorials for all the exercises performed in the program.
  • You can get FREE email support about the program from the author (Coach Curtis and his team).


If you want to get to a level of fitness where you can complete a MASSIVE challenge like the Deadly Dozen, this program is your first step.

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